Mound Park Horned Bannerstone

This file appears in: Mound Park and the Preservation of the Portsmouth Earthworks
Mound Park Horned Bannerstone

A dark greenstone horned bannerstone. The original purpose of bannerstones remains a mystery and has been the source of some debate among archeologists. While originally theorized to be decorative adornments for staffs, which would indicate some level of elevated status, either religious, military, or civil. The most common held theory today argues that bannerstones were actually used as weights, which would have been attached to an atlatl in order to increase distance and accuracy when throwing a spear. The size and weight, along with its provenance at a major Hopewell ceremonial center, however, suggests a ceremonial use for this bannerstone.

This file appears in: Mound Park and the Preservation of the Portsmouth Earthworks